Dr Sketchy’s ~ November 2012

Posted: February 27, 2013 in Art
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Wow it’s been like forever since I updated this *is lame* I’ve still been attending every Dr Sketchy’s that I can so that’s something I suppose

Speaking of attending them ~ I was in Canada while the October one was held so obviously I didn’t attend that ^^ there was a double dose in November so I guess that makes up for it a little 😛

Any way ~ onwards to the first of November 2012’s Dr Sketchy’s

Model # 1 ~ Amazon warrior


5 mins

Model # 2 ~ Poison Ivy


5 min challenge ~ ‘draw with not your hand’ ~ I can’t remember what I used for this, I’m tempted to say my mouth
I love these challenges, it brings everyone else down to my artistic ability 😛


10 mins


I forgot to note how long this took but I’m guessing 10 mins. Also I hate this one, the legs just turned out really, really bad, hence the shading  ^^


10 min challenge ~ Comic-style tag line ~ I’m really bad when it comes to making things like this up but somehow this actually won 😀

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